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3. Link to the file that can not be downloaded (in case if the problem is in downloading)

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vk.com not downloading anything from audio

Москаленко Максим 11 років тому оновлено Maksym 11 років тому 0


Maksym 11 років тому

Not downloading from vimeo. I tested on firefox, chrome and opera.

Felipe Hackner 10 років тому оновлено Лемур 10 років тому 1
Used the latest versions on everything. It worked the first day I tried and was really, really happy.
Next day, nope :(
Є відповідь

Why are the videos that I download only in mono?

Anthony Giranda 11 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 9 років тому 2
Aleksandr 9 років тому
Hi. Check the settings on your computer.

it's not working on youtube subscriptions feed page

sdsucks 9 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 9 років тому 2

browser independent, i don't see the button on my subscriptions page.
it still works on channel pages

Aleksandr 9 років тому
Hello. The error will be corrected in the next version.
Є відповідь

Why I could not play the .OPUS audio files

Song Verne 10 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 9 років тому 2
Thanks For your works! Why I could not play the .OPUS audio files by any program such as the latest foorbar2000 on win7? Just looks like a wrong file T-T
Aleksandr 9 років тому
Hi, we provide links that are on the site.

Code for download button placed om my website does not appear YouTube search results appear on page, but the is no download button

Bossy Girls Femdom 9 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 9 років тому 2

Code for download button placed om my website does not appear YouTube search results appear on page, but the is no download button

Aleksandr 9 років тому

Hello, you're properly placed the code on your site?

For web sites: insert the bottom of the page before the tag </ body>



还是神经细胞 2 роки тому 0

End the subscription

Ева Сахакян 4 роки тому 0

I dont use the program anymore, so i want to end the subscription. How can i do it? 


youtube download always get filename "videoplayback.mp4", could we use the title automatically?

A. Joshatt 4 роки тому 0

youtube download always get filename "videoplayback.mp4", could we use the title automatically?
I'm in Chromium v80, 

savefrom.net.js v9.21.2



"Sorry, wrong link" but link works outside savefromnet

xxx 4 роки тому 0

I'm not using extensions, just ssyoutube.com and I can't download the following video.
Here follows the details.


Message: Sorry, wrong link

Browser: Chrome 86.0.4240 Windows

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.111 Safari/537.36


Youtube video
