Welcome to SaveFrom.net community where you can simply ask any question or report a problem. Before you create a new discussion, please check if your subject has previously been discussed by using a form below. If not, feel free to send a request and provide the following information:

1. Name and the version of your browser
2. The version of the installed Helper
3. Link to the file that can not be downloaded (in case if the problem is in downloading)

Browser and SaveFrom.net Helper versions can be found here: http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1
Not a bug

add support for new youtube format: vp9 2160p webm9 (f313)

sdsucks 10 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 2
f313 is listed but not described correctly
Aleksandr 9 years ago
Prompt how to describe this format?
Not a bug

savefromnet helper doesn't catch video http://www.russianmanagement.com/products/52

Олег Александров 9 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 2

savefromnet helper doesn't catch video from this page http://www.russianmanagement.com/products/52

But from other pages of this site is all right.

Aleksandr 9 years ago

Hello, this site is not on the list of supported resources.

The full list can be found here: http://en.savefrom.net

Not a bug

youtube 1080p 60fps video and 256k audio did not show up

jjit 10 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 2
1080p 60fps video (format code: 299)
256k audio (format code: 141)
did not show up

Image 465
Aleksandr 9 years ago
Hi, the site does not download these formats.
Install Ummy Video Downloader: http://videodownloader.ummy.net

I cannot see the videos downloaded, but an impossible text file

Jordi de Diego Yagüe 10 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 2
Aleksandr 9 years ago
Hello.give the links that you couldn't download.
What is your browser?Name & version?
What is the version of SaveFrom.net helper?
You can get to know the version using the link...

savefromnet very sluggish on youtube!

Brett Peake 9 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 3

The download button on youtube and the various file sizes


failed to work! Infuriating!!!

Extremely difficult to download anything on the youtube page ... have to use the cut and past on savefromnet page. Very dissatisfied!

Aleksandr 9 years ago

Hello, reinstall the expansion.

First remove the previous: https://sf-addon.com/helper/mozilla/savefrom_last.xpi?ts=1449155709122

We does not affect download speed.


can't download fully

Williams Swamydas 9 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 2
Aleksandr 9 years ago
Hello, please, send us links that you couldn't download.
What is your browser? Name & version?
What is the version of SaveFrom.net helper?
You can get to know the version using the link... http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1
Do you download via the extension SaveFrom.net Helper or the website SaveFrom.net?

CC download from dailymotion

Ahmad Ahmadi 10 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 2
Is it possible to download a subtitle (cc) from dailymotion just like we do in youtube?
Aleksandr 9 years ago
Hi, with Dailymotion subtitles can not download.

we want back Playlist download

yhnyhn 10 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 4
I was do that. Now we can't. I answer and admin says we remove youtube playlist download method on site. It only work with extension.
I want back download Playlist method from savefrom site.
If you want to look my blog writing see The link https://warriorxp.wordpress.com/2014/11/09/youtubeda-video-listelerini-programsiz-toplu-indirmek
Aleksandr 9 years ago
Hi, install assistant and download the play list:


No me funciona!!!

Adolfo Salinas 9 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 2

he instalado el Savefrom para bajar videos desde youtube y ahora no me da conexion teniendo mi cuenta activada en google

. No me responde pues me dice que no hay conexion!!!

Aleksandr 9 years ago

Hello, in order to help you better I need the following information.

Please, send me the information listed here: http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

You have not integrated with the program?



Анастасія Димарчук 10 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 4
I found one grammatical mistake in ukrainian version of the site.

It it written in the main page up: ".. не належним чином" but right is ".. неналежним чином".

Nothing serious but important :)
Aleksandr 9 years ago
Send a screen of this error please.