1. Name and the version of your browser
2. The version of the installed Helper
3. Link to the file that can not be downloaded (in case if the problem is in downloading)
Browser and SaveFrom.net Helper versions can be found here: http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

Unable to download some youtube videos. Please help me in this. I am giving you the youtube video links that i was not able to download with https://en.savefrom.net . 1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnN_jm5A8wI
Please help me in, i amfacing such problem for the last two days. Earlier it was working very fine,.

Hello, Subtitles can only be downloaded if they are connected to a video and not created automatically.
You can download them via: http://en.savefrom.net or SaveFrom.net Helper (extension).
Subtitles can be downloaded in an xml format.

Здравствуйте, помощь будет более эффективной если вы скопируете и пришлёте информацию
о своём браузере и расширении Savefrom.Net: http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1
Так же пришлите ссылки на несколько файлов которые вы не можете скачать (для тестирования).
Для большего понимания вы можете прислать скриншот экрана с ошибкой.
Мы ждём ответ от вас и Спасибо за обращение в поддержку Savefrom.Net !

cuando doy bajar, me pone la vista previa del video, y no da opciones de bajarlo
cuando quiero bajar un video, no lo baja, sino que lo reproduce en una nueva ventana, acción que vengo observando desde hace común mes aproximadamente

Hello, after showing the playback, click on the video with the right button and save as.

Why does not my Android app support downloading Facebook videos?
Why does not my Android app support downloading Facebook videos? This is unfortunately a major shortcoming.

Hello! Our help will be more effective, if you copy and send us info about your browser and the Savefrom.Net extension:
We'd also need some links you can't download (to test them).
For the better understanding it'll be great to see a screenshot with the error.
We are waiting for your reply, and thank you for contacting us Savefrom.net Team!
Customer support service by UserEcho