Welcome to SaveFrom.net community where you can simply ask any question or report a problem. Before you create a new discussion, please check if your subject has previously been discussed by using a form below. If not, feel free to send a request and provide the following information:

1. Name and the version of your browser
2. The version of the installed Helper
3. Link to the file that can not be downloaded (in case if the problem is in downloading)

Browser and SaveFrom.net Helper versions can be found here: http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

No deja descargar vídeos desde VK!!!!!!!

Jordi 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden 2
Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden

Hello, we’d like to help you, but we will need some info about your browser and the installed extension first.
Please, go here http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1,
copy the details that you see and send them back to us.
Please also send us some video links that you can’t download.

Thank you for contacting Savefrom.Net support !


Не может найти размер файла

tkachartyom51 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden 2
Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden

Здравствуйте, для более эффективной помощи нам нужна следующая информация.
Подскажите название и версии браузера, а так же версию расширения, данную информацию можно узнать пройдя по ссылке:


С какого сайта вы скачиваете?

Пришлите пару ссылок на файлы что не можете скачать "для теста".


When I try to install the software following error message is coming. "Widows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item".

fiatnm 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden 6

When I try to install the software following error message is coming.

"Widows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may

not have the appropriate permission to access the item".

Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden

Hello, What is your browser? Name & version?


no descarga videos de facebook

charcharlobi 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden 2
Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden

Hello, we’d like to help you, but we will need some info about your browser and the installed extension first.
Please, go here http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1,
copy the details that you see and send them back to us.
Please also send us some video links that you can’t download.

Thank you for contacting Savefrom.Net support !



Baki Babo Baki 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden 2
Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden

Hello, please give us more details.


can not download from facebook

Mansour Zabihi 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden 2

Browser: Chrome 55.0.2883 Mac OS X User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.95 Safari/537.36 Extension: chameleon 6.91

Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden

Hello, This problem is known to us, we will try to fix in the nearby future.

While you can download the video on our website Savefrom.Net: http://en.savefrom.net


The savefromnet link is not working again on both Chrome and Firefox facebook page

Jayakumar Menon 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden 22

The savefromnet link is not working again on both Chrome and Firefox facebook pages. I am running the latest version and reinstalled, but yet the problem persists

Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden

Hello, in order to help you better I need the following information.

Please, send me the information listed here: http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

Could you please send a few links you can't download. We will check it out.


how do i uninstall save from.net from my computer

summer 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden 2
Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden

Hello, I need to know a name of your browser in order to help you with uninstalling.
Could you possibly help us and let us know what is the reason
you want to uninstall the extension from your computer?
Doesn’t it support your needs or you just didn’t like the extension itself?

Thanks. Your answer will help us to become better!


why lately i can not download video of MP4 360? But MP4 720,yes?

Valentina LIao 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden 2

I can not download video in MP4 360 and every time that i try, this web page comes out.

Image 1500

Image 1501

Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden

Hello, Could you please send a few links you can't download. We will check it out.

Please, send me the information listed here: http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1



hansmiller002 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden 2

There is a small exclamation mark where it is supposed to show the quality of the video to be downloaded; just after the green button, on the drop down

Aleksandr 8 jaar geleden

Hello, in order to help you better I need the following information.

Please, send me the information listed here: http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

As the name of the site from which you download?

Could you please send a few links you can't download. We will check it out.