1. Name and the version of your browser
2. The version of the installed Helper
3. Link to the file that can not be downloaded (in case if the problem is in downloading)
Browser and SaveFrom.net Helper versions can be found here: http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

Hello, Google Chrome browser - version 8.64 fixed extension
Reinstall from this link: https://en.savefrom.net/faq.php#ext_inst_chrome
Mozilla Firefox Browser - extension fixed version 8.64
Reinstall from this link: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/savefromnet-helper/
For browser Opera and Yandex - extension fixed version 8.64
Reinstall from this link: https://addons.opera.com/addons/extensions/details/savefromnet-helper/?display=en

Hello, Google Chrome browser - version 8.64 fixed extension
Reinstall from this link: https://en.savefrom.net/faq.php#ext_inst_chrome

Hello, Google Chrome browser - version 8.64 fixed extension
Reinstall from this link: https://en.savefrom.net/faq.php#ext_inst_chrome

Download mp3 from Vk doesn't work
always "unable to get the file size"
Version of Savefrom 8.64.2

Hello, we know about the problem, our developers find out what is the cause of the error.

Hello, we know about the problem, our developers find out what is the cause of the error.

Hello, we know about the problem, our developers find out what is the cause of the error.

I do not trust you
Why do you want to manage my downloads and all the websites I visite?
I almost installed your software.

Can't download on vk. January 2020. "Can't obtain size of file"
"Could not get file size. Please try again later" I always get this error on Vk.com when trying to download audio file. Using Mac Os X 10.11.6 Google Chrome: Version 79.0.3945.117 (Official Build) (64-bit) Please try and fix this thanks :D

Hello, we know about the problem, our developers find out what is the cause of the error.
Service d'assistance aux clients par UserEcho