Welcome to SaveFrom.net community where you can simply ask any question or report a problem. Before you create a new discussion, please check if your subject has previously been discussed by using a form below. If not, feel free to send a request and provide the following information:

1. Name and the version of your browser
2. The version of the installed Helper
3. Link to the file that can not be downloaded (in case if the problem is in downloading)

Browser and SaveFrom.net Helper versions can be found here: http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1
Tagasi lükatud

You should really allow to download from putlocker.it

Julia Mccall 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja Aleksandr 8 aastat tagasi 2

Many things on vk.com and vimeo is on russian and I really need a clip. Why won't you allow to download from putlocker.it?

Aleksandr 8 aastat tagasi

Hello, SaveFrom.net team will not leave your idea without attention.

Thanks for using our SaveFrom.net Helper


Solucionen la descarga En Audio MP4

Duvan Felipe Mendoza 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Aleksandr 9 aastat tagasi 2

Cuando descargo un archivo en Audio MP4 no me descarga con el nombre que es el reto esta todo bn (y)

Aleksandr 9 aastat tagasi
Hi, install our program Ummy Video Downloader.
Download video with sound: http://videodownloader.ummy.net
Not a bug

I cannot download videos from https://www.rt.com/

livnicolae 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Aleksandr 9 aastat tagasi 5

-Firefox 43.0b 1 Ubuntu 14.04 (and before update in version 41 same problem)

-Helper 5.60

When I left click on Download button, nothing happend.

When I click middle button (like open in next tab), it works.

When I right click on Download button, the button Download disappear.

Aleksandr 9 aastat tagasi

Hello, in order to help you better I need the following information.

Please, send me the information listed here: http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

This site is not on the list of supported resources. The full list can be found here: http://en.savefrom.net


Lost all existing user scripts from Tampermonkey after installing the app with exe installer

vipaware 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Лемур 10 aastat tagasi 1
I lost all my user scripts installed in Tampermonkey after I installed your app with SaveFromNetHelper-Web-307.exe.
SaveFrom.net helper was the only installed user script when I launched Chrome back again. I had a number of installed user scripts before.

It wouldn't be such a big issue for me if there only were 3rd party scripts installed. Unfortunately, there also were my own scripts I wrote for myself and I don't have a copy anywhere.

Please, let me know how can I get the previous state of my installed user scripts back.

Chrome version: 38.0.2125.111 m
Windows 7 x64 (6.1.7601 sp1)

(I'm putting this into Questions, since it is my fault I wasn't careful enough to look for userscript directly, since I already was using Tampermonkey. However, you may also see it as a bug, if your installer is not supposed to remove installed user scripts from a client machine.)
Лемур 10 aastat tagasi
Return will not work. 
We will try to fix it.

Videos Not Downloading as MP4 File??

Hammer Head 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Aleksandr 9 aastat tagasi 2
Recently last week for some reason, my youtube videos are being downloaded as "Save as File Type - All Files" and not as an MP4 extension. Using the drop down option for the save as file type and there are no other options except for "All Files". So now when I try to play back the video, it wont play automatically and I have to select which program I want to use to open/play it as it is not recognized. Again this is just recently it started doing this. Is there something I've done to my computer to create this change?? Or why the viedeos aren't being downloaded with an MP4 extension?? Thanks for your help!

Aleksandr 9 aastat tagasi

Please specify additional data:

address of the page (URL) from where you try to download the file.

version of your browser?

version of the extension?


Aleksandr 8 aastat tagasi

Здравствуйте, что именно вы загружаете?
Пришлите ссылку на файл где показывает вирус.



Kimo Bobo 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Лемур 9 aastat tagasi 1
 i cant have video from this site
Лемур 9 aastat tagasi
Hello, this site is not in the list of supported resources, a list can be found here: http://en.savefrom.net

I'm unable to download videos from facebook on click show no link found please resolve

Zain Raza 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Aleksandr 8 aastat tagasi 2
Aleksandr 8 aastat tagasi

Hello, The issue is fixed, no worries.

You can download Facebook videos via SaveFrom.net for now: http://en.savefrom.net

If you wish to use our extension, please wait for a bit — it will be ok with the next release.


Download problems with playlist

David Remmers 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Aleksandr 9 aastat tagasi 6

Hi, my name is David and I'm having problems downloading a playlist for a TV show's episodes. I was told to go ahead and download them using the extension, which I have, but it still won't work.
Here's the afroementioned URL: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6fJmjt84zZijUX52K1F24557XEatByGT
Now, would someone there please try to enter this link and tell me what if anything I am doing wrong.I typed in the exact link above but it still won't work. Can you please help me? I thankyou... David

Aleksandr 9 aastat tagasi

Hello. I can download the playlist.
Screenshot of this evidence.
I have asked for information that would help you, you do not send it.
Please, send me the information listed here: http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1


не качает видео и музыку с вконтакте

Serg Ivasyshyn 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja Aleksandr 8 aastat tagasi 4

не качает видео и музыку с вконтакте

Aleksandr 8 aastat tagasi

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Наша помощь будет более эфективной если вы предоставите нам информацию
о вашем браузере и расширении.
Узнать информацию вы можете пройдя по ссылке: http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

Так же если это возможно пришлите пару ссылок на файлы которые не можете скачать.