Welcome to SaveFrom.net community where you can simply ask any question or report a problem. Before you create a new discussion, please check if your subject has previously been discussed by using a form below. If not, feel free to send a request and provide the following information:

1. Name and the version of your browser
2. The version of the installed Helper
3. Link to the file that can not be downloaded (in case if the problem is in downloading)

Browser and SaveFrom.net Helper versions can be found here: http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

why not to make a videos player ?

David victor 9 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 9 років тому 2

all thanks your services of savefom plugin ; but you will still here or you will go forword ?
I gives you one idea that to make a videos player .
so I am shure you will done the best for your future .

Aleksandr 9 років тому
Hello, SaveFrom.net team will not leave your idea without attention.
Thanks for using our SaveFrom.net Helper
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You only have the acc codec for audio downloads

Andries Potgieter 9 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 9 років тому 2

It would be nice if you could download in mp3, acc is an obsolete codec.. it sucks

Aleksandr 9 років тому

In order to download MP3 from YouTube you need to instal our free
Ummy Video Downloader. This useful tool will help you download
both HD and MP3 from YouTube. com.



Download a playlist unavailable

xanuka 3 роки тому оновлений 2 роки тому 1

I have a problem with "Download a playlist" option.

For example on thiс channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/LAurenrdaniels/videos) when I hover my SFN addon I see the "Download a playlist" option and when I click on it it'll generate all links and download all videos.

But on this channel (https://www.youtube.com/KaliMuscle/videos) this option is not available, "Download a playlist" is grayed out. How is that? Thank you!

Under review

remove saveform

Eric Chung 6 років тому оновлено Anatoly Maltsev 2 роки тому 2

Please advise or assist to remove this useless saveform pop out from my computer. Thanks

Aleksandr 6 років тому

Hello, what is the name of your browser?

Under review

i paid for this service, but it never updated to paid version, it makes all of my videos smaller. when you try to get help, there is no way to get ahold of nyone, i got burnt, dont get burnt

UFO HUNTER 7 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 7 років тому 12

   i updated the download program and paid for it, but it never updated to the paid version, so when i download videos off of my youtube account, it downloads a real small picture,   i contact you guys and you never helped me, you said give you a screen shot and i do not know how to do that. so basically i got burnt

Aleksandr 7 років тому

Hello, Please, let us know what is the name of the program you are using for downloading videos?

Є відповідь

Saving files in default folder again.

Chantelle 8 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 7 років тому 2

Firefox 54.0.1 (32-bit)


I had this issue before and it just seems to be returning with every new update. I click the button and the "Where to save files" dialogues did pop up, however, it is now only pointing me to the default "Downloads" folder. This feels a little pointless as it used to remember the last location that I saved certain file types to. Then, I tried to update it, just in case. It only worsened the issue and now I don't get the "Where to save files" prompt at all.

This is becoming very frustrating. How is it possible that it works just fine in previous versions and now it suddenly bugs out?

To confirm, I have enabled "Always ask where to save my files" both in my browser and in the settings.

Aleksandr 7 років тому

Hello, this is not the correct work of the WebExtensions browser API that causes the extension.
In the previous version of the extension we used the Add-on SDK, in which the implementation of the save dialog was written by us,
WebExtensions does not allow you to do this and forces you to use regular tools.

Є відповідь

Error with download

Matthew Armistead 12 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 10 років тому 5
I can't seem to download a video from youtube that I want. It's here:


Aleksandr 10 років тому

Video is downloaded correctly.

Please specify additional data:

version of your browser,

version of the extension.

Є відповідь

Version 5.25.2 - Google Chrome - Problem with Ratings Preview for YouTube Extension

Feng Lengshun 10 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 9 років тому 8

If I use the extension Ratings Preview for YouTube, which places a bar showing the ratings of the video below the preview thumbnail of the video, the download button wouldn't appear on the video thumbnail. I had to choose one or the other thanks to that.

Aleksandr 9 років тому
Hello send the full name of this extension.
Send a link to this extension.
We will check their work.
Є відповідь

Please make this available through the Windows store

Micheal Franklin 10 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 9 років тому 2

Google's updated browser won't allow non-Microsoft or extensions not found in the windows store to be installed. Please make this available through the Windows store.

Aleksandr 9 років тому
Reinstall the expansion before removing the previous one. Remove from Tampermonkey extensions.
How to install an extension in Google Chrome read here: http://en.savefrom.net/faq.php#ext_inst_chrome