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Download button not showing up on instagram.

MKR 4 года назад обновлен 4 года назад 0

Browser: Opera-Webkit 700 Windows

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36 OPR/70.0.3728.95

Extension: opera-chromium 9.3

Please resolve this issue. Download button not showing up on instagram. Works fine on facebook and youtube. Tried reinstalling extension but did not solve the issue.

На рассмотрении

The daily motion downloader has worked for a while now. What's wrong with it?

Tommy 5 лет назад обновлен Aleksandr 5 лет назад 3
Aleksandr 5 лет назад

Hi. We'll try to fix it ASAP.

На рассмотрении

Drop down menu on Youtube always returns "no links were found".

Yoksven 5 лет назад обновлен 5 лет назад 2

I'm using a firefox extension and up until yesterday it worked great. Starting yesterday the drop down menu on Youtube always returns "no links were found". The green "download 720p" button on a video page still works and savefrom.net still returns a working drop down menu. But on Youtube the drop down menu now goes "Download..." and then "no links were found". Every time. Maybe it times out too fast or something, since savefrom.net site still finds the links. Ether way, it would be nice to have it fixed.

Aleksandr 5 лет назад

Hello, thank you for contacting support in Savefrom.Net
This bug is known to us, we will try to fix in the nearby future.

На рассмотрении

No links were found

rachimon1010 5 лет назад обновлен Aleksandr 5 лет назад 1
Aleksandr 5 лет назад

Hello, Sorry for inconvenience we caused. We will try to fix it ASAP.


bug in VK

Pablo Zs 8 лет назад обновлен Aleksandr 7 лет назад 4

Hi, I can no longer download audio / video from VK site (which was updated the site on 06/20/2017), I already uninstalled and installed and did not work, I tried to load the page but it did not work too, try to fix

Aleksandr 7 лет назад

Hello, thank you for contacting support in Savefrom.Net
This bug is known to us, we will try to fix in the nearby future.


button download on instagram not appear

Galang Hermawan 9 лет назад обновлен Aleksandr 9 лет назад 2
Aleksandr 9 лет назад

Hello, we know about the error.

In the next release, the expansion has to be fixed.


public API

Wah Yuu 4 года назад обновлен Ayoub OMARI 3 года назад 1

public API to get download link.

It will makes helpful when app has auto download the link with auto generate link download from api


Пропал кнопка скачивания в ютубе,вчера перестала скачивать,сегодня совсем пропало.

zavoronkovpavel40 4 года назад обновлен 4 года назад 3

I cant download videos from youtube anymore for the past 2 days

jasonchavez189 5 лет назад обновлен Aleksandr 5 лет назад 2

Impossibile to download music from VK

garco 6 лет назад обновлен Aleksandr 6 лет назад 10
Aleksandr 6 лет назад

Hello, Yes, we are aware of this issue. And doing our best to fix it ASAP.
Thanks for using our resources.
Best, SaveFrom.net Team

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