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1. Name and the version of your browser
2. The version of the installed Helper
3. Link to the file that can not be downloaded (in case if the problem is in downloading)

Browser and SaveFrom.net Helper versions can be found here: http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1
Under review

I can't download 720p HD Video With Sounds

Sreek 6 year бұрын updated by anonymous 2 year бұрын 4
Aleksandr 6 year бұрын

Hello! Due to the recent youtube changes, both our website and the add-on are enable to download in 720p.
We are trying to bypass it, but with no luck yet. For now, we can recommend switching to Televzr app, that can download in 720p and higher:


НЕ качает в ВК

Андрей Захаров 4 year бұрын 0

Не удалось определить размер файла, попробуйте повторить попытку


Download button does not appear on instagram anymore

Paulo Stipanov 4 year бұрын updated by Ardi 4 year бұрын 2

Usually, there is a small download button located on the upper right corner of an Instagram photo and video. But now it has disappeared, it worked just fine 2 days ago. I tried reinstalling it but it didn't work.


Can't download pics from instagram again, fix it asap.

Chandra Vimal 4 year бұрын 0

Failed video download on VK.com (Oct. 2016)

Laura St Croix 8 year бұрын updated by Aleksandr 8 year бұрын 7

I can't download any video. I tried the website, but it say that I have to install the extension, wich I already did, and nothing.

I would be very glad if the bug is fixed. Thank you.

My info:

  • Browser: Firefox 49.0 Windows 8.1
  • User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0
  • Extension: ff-sf 6.75

Aleksandr 8 year бұрын

Hello, Could you please send a few links you can't download. We will check it out.


i can't download any video using my symbian mobile after redesigni the web page. No other browser also support to download . What'll do

saalim 12 year бұрын updated by Лемур 10 year бұрын 3
Лемур 10 year бұрын
Try to use opera mobile or mini. It should be working fine

There is no possibility to download photos to Instagram. Please fix the problem.

Ivnan 4 year бұрын 0

There is no possibility to download photos to Instagram. Please fix the problem.


photo not download from insta

asetia12 7 year бұрын updated by Aleksandr 7 year бұрын 2
Aleksandr 7 year бұрын

Hello, we are working to fix this inconvenience.
This problem will be solved in the new release.
Thank you for using Savefrom.Net!


not able to download from insta??any solution ??

mirusama2468 4 year бұрын updated by sad zamn97 4 year бұрын 1