
How to uninstall this from Chrome?

Sam 11 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 7
I installed this from the installer, but now I don't want to use it anymore. I tried to remove it from the extensions but it is still installed.
Please help.
Hello? I am still having this problem.
It didn't appear for me in the list of extensions either, I had to reboot and then left-click on the three line button in the upper right-hand corner, there was a new line listing something about the helper, I had right-clicked on that and was then able to *un*install it (apparently).
What is your browser?Name & version?
You can get to know the version using the link...

i m using google chrome,how can i uninstall it ???why we dont have the option to remove it???
Hello. Remove from Tampermonkey extensions.
For some reason, you want to delete an extension?