Welcome to SaveFrom.net community where you can simply ask any question or report a problem. Before you create a new discussion, please check if your subject has previously been discussed by using a form below. If not, feel free to send a request and provide the following information:

1. Name and the version of your browser
2. The version of the installed Helper
3. Link to the file that can not be downloaded (in case if the problem is in downloading)

Browser and SaveFrom.net Helper versions can be found here: http://ru.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

Safari. Why are many sites no longer allowing copy/paste or drag/drop of web address? How to fix? NOT a clue what installed helper--I never installed that. Bugged? I cannot drag/drop or copy/paste the address, so can't include that--too many!

Winter Star 9 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 2

Many sites now, viewed in Safari, block drag/drop or copy/paste of websites, and address space is missing.
WHAT is causing that?
How to fix?

Aleksandr 9 years ago
Hello. You are downloading through the site?
Which sites you download?
Give the links that you couldn't download.

i keep getting message about critical update

Gabri Shally 11 years ago updated by Aleksandr 10 years ago 2
even tough i click "Do not remind me again" button, it keeps appear, even after the countdown already finished. i using google chrome in portable way. is it has some thing to do with that?

Image 174

grooveshark support

Julian Grytsevych 11 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 2
Please add support for downloads from the grooveshark site. Many tracks are blocked on vk.com now freely available on this portal. It would be wonderfull if it were possible to download tracks from there.

Aleksandr 9 years ago

we'll try to do this if the idea collects many votes


i cant download many youtube videos after the recent update

Lucky Wadhwa 9 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 2

Downloading most of the videos from youtube is impossible now, after the recent update.

i have been "Failed - Forbidden" message while downloading.

For example :

Youtube video

Aleksandr 9 years ago

Hi. We'll try to fix it ASAP.


It keeps saying no links to download on Chrome

Jayakumar Menon 9 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 5

As above, all videos show the above statement: No Links were Found.

Aleksandr 9 years ago

Hello, please, send us links that you couldn't download.

What is your browser? Name & version?

What is the version of SaveFrom.net helper?

You can get to know the version using the link... http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1

Do you download via the extension SaveFrom.net Helper or the website SaveFrom.net?


перестало Savefrom.net скачивать видео из контакта

Лизи Якимова 3 weeks ago 0

Здравствуйте скажите пожалуйста в чём проблема перестало Savefrom.net

скачивать видео из контакта никак не скачать видео с контакта .Стоит

версия 10.33 Mozilla браузер .хотела бы узнать ,когда вновь заработает

скачивание видео .Заранее огромное спасибо .Очень надеюсь искренне от

сердца и души ,что заработает снова


нет скачивания видео на ютуб, поддерживаемый сервис

fadvalnik62 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0

пишет Не могу определить ссылку на скачивания. почему?