Uw opmerkingen

Hello. This site is not in the list of supported resources, with a list can be found here: http://en.savefrom.net
Hello, for some reason, our script (extension) blocks Tampermonkey we do not know.
If you are satisfied with our script in TM, you can change the settings Tampermonkey.
In the settings TM select "Tuning Mode" - Advanced.
Find "Checking for the presence of the black list."
Or, to put "List of prohibited source" to "Manual"
or the "Block level of safety" to "6".
Hello. In Safari, it is unfortunately not technically possible to correct this is not convenience.
Hello. In the setting of the expansion uncheck "Advisor".
Hello. Send video link is only in this format.
Hello, this site is not in the list of supported resources, with a list can be found here: http://en.savefrom.net
Hello, we'll try to do this if the idea collects many votes.