Under review

Very Dangerous part is added to safefrom.net helper.

Circuitkung 5 years ago updated by Aleksandr 5 years ago 1

Image 5341

A new download status button is added to this update.

It's use system's memory to much and slow down the page that's the button present.

It's download only a video in .mkv format.

After the download is completed,It's isn't allow user to enter full-screen mode when watching video.

It's also blocking download from other downloader include Savefrom.net

I just see this on 25/10/2019.

I use Google Chrome (V.77.0.3865.120)&Safefrom.net helper (V.8.49.2).

How to disable this? If user can't disble,can you remove this?


Under review

Hello, this is done for downloading 720p video, you can remove the extension.

Under review

Hello, this is done for downloading 720p video, you can remove the extension.