
wrong names when downloading mp3s from vk

bahador 7 years ago updated by Aleksandr 7 years ago 6


everything used to be fine as long as I right clicked and chose "save file as" and it would get the name of the mp3 correctly but since yesterday no matter what i do it downloads mp3s with some random numbers as the name of the file.

doing this didnt work as well: 

"Visit Tampermonkey settings, including mode settings "Advanced"

click Downloads BETA, on Download Mode: browser api"

  • Browser: Chrome 68.0.3440 Windows
  • Extension: userjs-chrome 7.81.2


Under review

Hello, have you configured the Tampermonkey extension?

Or set up Tampermonkey does not help?

Under review

Hello, have you configured the Tampermonkey extension?

Or set up Tampermonkey does not help?

i dont know what happened since yesterday cause i didnt change any of Tampermonkey's settings and today i just tried this thing that you recommended to do which was changing the Download Mode to browser api and it didnt work so i changed it back to default settings 

This method works if you do it right.

Go to Tampermonkey settings, enable Advance settings mode -> Downloads BETA -> Download Mode: browser api.
Restart TM – everything should be working.

If this does not work, install the extension with the second method.

Remove Tampermonkey and install the Chameleon extension:

Google Chrome. First 1 then 2.
1. Install the extension Chameleon: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chameleon/dmpojjilddefgnhiicjcmhbkjgbbclob?hl=en-US
2. Install the extension Savefrom.Net: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/savefromnet-helper/?display=en

ok so I tried both methods and neither of them worked(guess the problem has something to do Chrome) but i installed Opera Browser and added the Savefrom.Net extension to it and it works like a charm. 

so I will be using Opera when i want to download from VK.

thanks a lot for your help and this great extension.