Under review

No links were found.

monicaaaaaaaaaa 7 років тому оновлено Aleksandr 7 років тому 6

Browser: Safari 11.0.3 Mac OS X 

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; 

Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/604.5.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) 

Version/11.0.3 Safari/604.5.6 

Extension: safari 7.66

What to do?


Under review

Hello, send a couple of links to the files that you can not download "for the test."

Under review

Hello, send a couple of links to the files that you can not download "for the test."

Really strange that I still couldn't find any link... Please help...


And I've installed the latest extension.

Thank you for the information.
Our developers will find out what could be the problem and try to fix it.