
Under review

Hello, Unfortunately, we don't fully understand you... please. provide us with more details regarding the issue.

Under review

Hello, Unfortunately, we don't fully understand you... please. provide us with more details regarding the issue.

if i try to download a video less than 720p it brings me to a strange video screen where its smaller than the regular youtube video and its on like an anonymous site. would you prefer a screenshot?

For the better understanding it'll be great to see a screenshot with the error.

In what capacity are you downloading the video?

Do you download via the extension Helper or the website

This is a screenshot of what happens when i use the Helper toolbar thing to download a video below 720p and frankly i'm annoyed by it.

Go to Tampermonkey settings, enable Advance settings mode -> Downloads BETA -> Download Mode: browser api.
Restart TM – everything should be working.