Under review

forced to use telesvr

Bruce McDaniel 7 years ago updated by Aleksandr 7 years ago 1

televsr. I am not allowed to download any apps that aren't approved. I have been able to use savefrom net. Now I am being FORCED to connect to a service that I do not know or trust. I am not happy to give up that much control of my sessions. I mainly HATE that I have been given no choice or warning. 


Under review

Hello. This was an error, which Savefrom.net has timely fixed. Now you can download a video regular way. We will consider your opinion, and will give our users a choice regarding this in the future.

Under review

Hello. This was an error, which Savefrom.net has timely fixed. Now you can download a video regular way. We will consider your opinion, and will give our users a choice regarding this in the future.