
Version 5.25.2 - Google Chrome - Problem with Ratings Preview for YouTube Extension

Feng Lengshun 10 years ago updated by Aleksandr 9 years ago 8

If I use the extension Ratings Preview for YouTube, which places a bar showing the ratings of the video below the preview thumbnail of the video, the download button wouldn't appear on the video thumbnail. I had to choose one or the other thanks to that.


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Hello send the full name of this extension.
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We will check their work.
Under review
Hello send the full name of this extension.
Send a link to this extension.
We will check their work.
Rating Preview for Youtube. Here is the link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ratings-preview-for-youtu/cgbhdenfmgbagncdmgbholejjpmmiank. And thank you for the quick response!
I checked everything works.

The one in the video page works for me too, but the one in the preview images don't.

Here's an image:

Notice that I highlighted one of the video there (first row, third video), and while the watch later button appears, the download video button does not.

Could that be the userscript instead? I read the feature list and the normal helper doesn't seem to be the one making those buttons on the video preview thumbnails. The only thing I could think then, is the .js userscript.
Expansion works for you?
Videos you have downloaded?
Everything works except for the function that shows the download button on the preview thumbnails. You know, this one:

That is how it looks when I disabled the Rating Preview for YouTube extension. See the green button that makes the drop-down download menu appear? When I enable it, the result is the previous image I put, in which when I put the cursor on the video preview thumbnail, the clock-like Watch Later button appears like normal but the quick download button does not.

The Rating Preview for YouTube extension probably did something to the video preview thumbnails that makes the button not show up. I'm not sure which one of the extension (the Chrome extension or the .js userscript) that makes the download button appears on the thumbnails, actually, I'm not even sure if that is an official feature or not (or if the .js userscript itself is official or not). But I find the function to be extremely useful and convenient.

Personally, I don't really mind just disabling the Rating Preview for YouTube extension, as I don't really need it, but I still would like the problem to be noted since it might not just this one extension that is interfering with the savefrom.net button.
Thank you, we will consider your offer.
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