how can I submit a request to http://en.savefrom.net/ by using curl?
I use following command to send request via curl:
curl --form "sf_url=https://youtube_url;sf_submit=;new=1;lang=ent/savefrom.php -H "Cookie:lang=en; PHPSESSUD=2f523bfd868a40eb73dd54a907f9fe38; uid=ee8083f60003efd4; country=hk; uid=ee8083f60003efd4; PHPSESSID=fv9c8jocps3dmds12kr4gjist1; _ga=GA1.2.1084676549.1474380253"
However, the return value seems to be encoded or compressed.
Can you kindly tell me how I can decode or decompress the content and acquired the direct download url?

Hello, we do not understand you describe in more detail.

Aleksandr, thank you for your quick response!
I'd like to know how to get the direct download url of youtube video by using linux command like "curl" or python lib like "requests" to visit savefrom website. The reason why I ask this question is that I want to download many youtube video files in bath. Can you kindly give me some hints? Thanks in advance!
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