
download button disappear outside facebook photo

Mario Ray Mahardhika 9 лет назад обновлен Aleksandr 8 лет назад 4

Browser: Google Chrome 51.0.2704.106

Helper version: 6.42

Some photos in facebook are not wide enough, so facebook adds some black padding on both left and right of the photo. When we hover the photo, the download button appears on the top left corner where the black padding is. However, when the mouse goes into that area, the download button disappears. Therefore, it's not possible to click the button for such photos.


На рассмотрении

Hello, send a few links to a photo that we check.

На рассмотрении

Hello, send a few links to a photo that we check.

Sorry for inconvenience we caused. We will try to fix it ASAP.

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