
I can't download video from facebook from today..

Jay London 9 years ago updated by Aleksandr 8 years ago 7

When I click on the green arrow I get this message "No links were found"


Under review

Hello, thank you for contacting support in Savefrom.Net

This bug is known to us, we will try to fix in the nearby future.

Thats interesting, I think its something to do with how Facebook is configuring their video files now.. Maybe am wrong..

I also noticed the same thing since today, I can't download any video from facebook, and when I click the download bottom i get a message saying ( links were not found ), plz did you get any answer for this? let me know plz

Hello, Yes, we are aware of this issue. And doing our best to fix it ASAP.
Thanks for using our resources.

Best, SaveFrom.net Team

Under review

Hello, thank you for contacting support in Savefrom.Net

This bug is known to us, we will try to fix in the nearby future.


How long you think it will take to fix the bug?

We think that the error will correct soon.

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