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Send the information listed here: http://en.savefrom.net/user.php?info=1
The other information is not necessary.
The expansion should be reinstalled.
Remove from Tampermonkey extensions.
How to install an extension in Google Chrome read here: http://en.savefrom.net/faq.php#ext_inst_chrome
Hello, give the links that you couldn't download.
What is your browser?Name & version?
What is the version of SaveFrom.net helper?
You can get to know the version using the link...
Hello, how to install the Assistant to the browser Google Chrome read here:
Hello, we'll try to do this if the idea collects many votes.
Send a link to the website where you want to download.
Hi, install at this link: https://sf-addon.com/helper/mozilla/savefrom_last.xpi?ts=1436797874112