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Здравствуйте, для эффективной помощи нам нужна информация о расширении и браузере.
Скопируйте и пришлите информацию указанную здесь:

Для большего понимания вы можете прислать скриншот экрана с ошибкой.

Hello! Our help will be more effective, if you copy and send us info about your browser and the Savefrom.Net extension:
We'd also need some links you can't download (to test them).
For the better understanding it'll be great to see a screenshot with the error.
We are waiting for your reply, and thank you for contacting us Team!

Hello, please, send us more details regarding the problem.

For the better understanding it'll be great to see a screenshot with the error.

Hello, we’d like to help you, but we will need some info about your browser and the installed extension first.
Please, go here
Copy the details that you see and send them back to us.
Please also send us some video links that you can’t download.
Thank you for contacting Savefrom.Net support !

Hello, please give us more details.

Hello, please give us more details.

Hello, Yes, we are aware of this issue. And doing our best to fix it ASAP.
Thanks for using our resources.
Best, Team

Ok, thanks for the info provided. We've forwarded it to developers to check and fix.

Hello, in order to help you better I need the following information.
Please, send me the information listed here:

For the better understanding it'll be great to see a screenshot with the error.