Your comments

Hello! We've reacted immediately,
and the problem with downloading has been fixed. As of now, everything works fine.
Thanks for using!

The screenshot shows that you have the correct file name.

Привіт, ми вдячні за надану інформацію з приводу помилки.
Ми відразу ж відреагували і проблема не скачування була усунена, на даний момент все в порядку.
Дякуємо за використання Savefrom.Net!

Hello! \We've reacted immediately,
and the problem with downloading has been fixed. As of now, everything works fine.
Thanks for using!

Hello! We've reacted immediately,
and the problem with downloading has been fixed. As of now, everything works fine.
Thanks for using!

Hello! We've reacted immediately,
and the problem with downloading has been fixed. As of now, everything works fine.
Thanks for using!

Hello! We've reacted immediately, 
and the problem with downloading has been fixed. As of now, everything works fine. 
Thanks for using!